
Welcome to 4oks Housing channel


Price Details 具体价格:
House/Apmt Area 面积:
Your Current Area 所在地区:
West City Xicheng District Houhai Area 
Specific Location 详细地点/小区名:
Type of the Place 房屋类别:
Long-term Residential Rent 
Rooms 房间数:
Washrooms 洗手间数:
Building Height 楼层:
Building Total Floor 总层数: 0   The Place is at Floor 所在层:0 
Facing 朝向:
Facilities 配置:
Rent or Sale 租售:
Rent the Entire Place 
AD by 发布人性质:
An Agent  

Houhai ,Jing Shan Park Area Modern Hutong House With Terrace and Yard 9800 Houhai ,Jing Shan Park Area Modern Hutong House With Terrace and Yard 9800 houhai ,jing shan park area modern hutong house with terrace and yard 9800 if u r interested, pls call Cody at (wechat number)or Email

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