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Price Details 具体价格:
House/Apmt Area 面积:
Your Current Area 所在地区:
Chaoyang District Sanlitun 
Specific Location 详细地点/小区名:
Sanlitun South Road for Rent 
Type of the Place 房屋类别:
Long-term Residential Rent 
Rooms 房间数:
Washrooms 洗手间数:
Building Height 楼层:
Building Total Floor 总层数: 0   The Place is at Floor 所在层:0 
Facing 朝向:
Facilities 配置:
Rent or Sale 租售:
Rent the Entire Place 
AD by 发布人性质:
An Agent  

6500CNY/Month -Cool Studio Apartment on Sanlitun South Road for Rent A cool studio apartment in the Sanlitun, CBD, Hujialou area for rent. It's in an advanced high-rise commercial Real estate (Not residential real estate) with elevator. The all-inclusive price is 6700CNY/m(water, electricity, wifi, heating) There is a round shower compartment in a round bathroom. It has a view of the skyscrapers in the central area of CBD. Pay monthly. Short term commitment may lead to slight rise in price. Please refer to the pictures. I am the owner of this apartment. As long as this advertisement is visible, the apartment is available. If you are interested please contact me.

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