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Happy Chinese New Year in Paulaner in Seaworld(2015-02-17)

来帕拉娜喜气洋洋过大年(Happy Chinese New Year in Paulaner) 2015-02-15 德国帕拉娜自酿啤酒餐厅深圳蛇口店 德国帕拉娜自酿啤酒餐厅深圳蛇口店 德国帕拉娜自酿啤酒餐厅深圳蛇口店 微信号 PBShenzhenShekou 功能介绍 德国帕拉娜自酿啤酒餐厅深圳蛇口店开业宣传推广,餐厅服务活动宣传,德国餐饮文化宣传 既然琴瑟起,何以笙箫默。情人节已然来临,鲜花美酒,烛光晚餐,您是否还沉浸在如斯浪漫的美景之中?岁月如歌,当流水碾过时光的长廊,别忘了,新年的脚步可越来越近了! The Valentine’s Day has come, if you are still immered yourself in the romantic atmosphere? Life likes the beautiful songs, and Chinese New Year is coming soon. 马奔前程去,羊携好运来。来帕拉娜过个中国年吧,这里是中西合璧的完美体现,无论是温暖和煦的啤酒花园还是还是温馨典雅的室内,不仅能让您感受到浓浓的中国年味儿,更能尽情品尝经典的巴伐利亚美酒美食。轻声问候,真挚祝福,帕拉娜全体员工在这儿给您拜个早年了!羊年喜气洋洋,经典美味不容错过,我们新年期间如常期待您的光临! Come to Paulaner Bräuhaus feel the different Chinese New Year. Here you can enjoy the classic Bavarian food in the Chinese Spring Festival atmosphere, the restaurant’s decoration is the perfect match of Chinese and Western, both the beautiful beer garden and the elegant indoor can let you have a wonderful time here, and all Paulaner staff give you the best wishes in the New Year. There is no reason you miss it, come to us now! 您可以通过以下方式预订/ You can make a reservation by: +86 755 2668 7230 地址/Add: 深圳市南山区蛇口海上世界C区C-005 No. 005, Zone C, Seaworld Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.
Area 地区:
China Guangdong Shenzhen Nanshan 
Date/Time/Duration 日期/时间/期长
February 18, 2015 11:00 am To 11:59 pm 
Detailed Address 详细地址
深圳市南山区蛇口海上世界C区C-005 No. 005, Zone C, Seaworld Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. 
Cost 费用
reservation by: +86 755 2668 7230 

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