Course Intro (How it's different & why it's so fast):
BulletChinese is a revolutionary way to speed up the learning process by helping students first grasp the entire Chinese language structure - so the course will be like a bullet train ride. For only about 24-48 hours, you will grasp the entire Chinese language structure (present tense,past tense,future tense,passives,etc) and speak Chinese with confidence and limited vocabulary - which usually takes 1-2 years in conventional ways (because when the course is slow - and filled with vacabulary words like apples and oranges - like most conventional courses, you begin to forget the old stuff while learning new things without distinguishing the most essentials from the less important in the absence of enough practice). Yet with BulletChinese, you build the bookshelf (overall structure) at the fastest pace possible, and then you can comfortablly slow down to put books (vocabulary words) inside based only on your own individual needs and interest.
The BulletChinese curriculum is designed under a unique concept
Bullet Chinese Intensive - The World's Fastest Way to Learn Chinese, Anywhere. Please first take a few minutes to read the Course Intro below , and then start the course.
BCI (Bullet.Chinese.Intensive) offers a revolutionary methodology whereby students first learn to grasp the entire Chinese language structure - so the course will be like a bullet train ride.
For only about 24-48 lesson hours, you will learn Chinese present tense, past tense, future tense, passives, etc, and speak Chinese with confidence and limited vocabulary - which usually takes months in conventional ways.
You will get to experience the BulletChinese course in a few minutes and be amazed at the pace. So hold on tight and fasten your seat belt - you have NEVER learned a language this fast before.
Next Step:
Get the "BCI" Methodology >
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(Note:The offline course is currently offered in Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Seoul; the online course is offered gloablly)
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