Hi! I have some music instruments that i want to sale
BABYLON Bass Guitar + cover + tuner + attached strap that won't fall off ( and also I've changed the strings, and they sound better than the stock ones)
I've been playing it for 1 year, its a good bass for beginners to practice
VS-20 Speaker
its a small bass speaker, perfect for playing at home
its a great small fx processor which can be used for recordings, live gigs or simply learning how to play
AKAI MPK mini (without miniUSB cable - you can buy it anywhere for 1$)
its a 25keys midi controller, that perfect for musicians who don't want to buy big keyboard or travels a lot
it also has 6 rubber pads for MPC-style drumming and extra controls which can be assigned anyway you like
All for 1900RMB (or 1400RMB w/o MPKmini)